Healing for Everybody offers workshops and facilitation services that are rooted in a commitment to support collective liberation. Drawing from intersectional feminist perspectives, we develop workshops and facilitated meetings to create a deeper understanding and commitment to social justice.

Examples of Past Workshops:

  • Conflict and Liberationhow to use conflict as a generative force to deepen connection, authenticity and accountability within your organization and in your relationships.
  • Racial Justice and Collective Liberationdrawing from an anti-oppressive framework I support senior leadership and front-line staff to deepen their understanding on what interpersonal and structural challenges create barriers for social justice in our working lives.
  • Workplace Conflictdeveloping tools to better understand the generative possibility of conflict and how to practice conflict from that place
  • Trauma Informed Practice in social servicesdeveloping an understanding of what trauma informed practice is and how to practice from that place.
  • Building solidarity through somatic healingusing somatics to understand how power. privilege and dominance show up in our bodies and organizations.
  • Managing burnoutwhat are the different types of burnout: vicarious trauma, or compassion fatigue and how to respond when these show up
  • Anti-oppression workshopsminimum one day session is requested for these types of workshops
  • Conflict Resolution for social justice movementsmediation and development or organizational structures to better support social justice movements
  • Board trainingsdeveloping specialized trainings to support better governance in not for profit space
  • Developing communities of care – how to create healthy workplaces and movement spaces

Please email healingforeverybody@gmail.com for more information. If I haven’t listed a workshop and you would like to see if I can offer something tailored to your organization, please don’t hesitate to contact me.